There's A Difference Only You Can Make.
You're The Only Person Who Can Make It."
The IDY Outline: The 4 Pieces
2-You were specifically gifted to do something good, (the difference) only you can make. That’s why you are you. (YURU) You are the solution to the problem only you can solve.
3-What God wants from you is what he’s prepared for you. The treasure/preparation you need is ready and accessible in his Kingdom. (Where you will make your difference.)
4-You are “worth it” to God, what you do with your life is the measure of your worth. The endgame is to enjoy God forever, here and there.
INDIVIDULARITY is committed to helping you:
INDIVIDULARITY is the interaction between God’s Sovereignty and your Individuality.
What I mean by “interaction.” Back to the opening statement:
“You’re here, you care and you want to make a difference.”
This “difference has 3 pieces. The Sovereign piece, (God’s) The Individual piece, (Yours) And the difference you are here to make. The INDIVIDULARITY piece.
First, you’re here. You didn’t have anything to do with the timing, the location or the family you were born into. That is an act of God’s sovereignty. (SOV)
Second, you care. Have you ever wondered why you care so much about a few things, and so little about most things? What you care about is an expression of your Individuality. (IND)
Third, the difference only you can make. This “difference” is something only you can do, and it’s something God prepared for you, and it’s what the people in your world need from you. (IDY)
Your Destiny Is Either Set Or It's A Set-up:
Determined Or Dynamic?
The Big Blue Print Of Purpose
Think of creation as the Big-Blue Print of purpose were everything God wants is possible; everyone is where they’re supposed to be; every outcome is anticipated, and it’s all happening right now! Staggering to even ponder.
The Big-Blue Print is his venue-of-choice. It’s where he prepared for everything he wants and even allows what he doesn’t want. His purpose dominates and defines everything, and his plan is active and agile. You are part of that plan.
We’re all reside in The Big-Blue together; Saint, sinner, spirit and soulless. You’re here, you’re aware, and you care about life, and you had nothing to do with any of it.
You are individually embedded in Big-Blue. God wanted you, he needs you and this is your time. That is both encouraging and terrifying.
That gives you two options: Curiosity about the possibilities. Or the acceptance of inevitability. If you’re curious, please look further. If you’re not, it might be best if you click-out of this site.
Consider Your Options:
Your first option, spend the rest of your life browsing Big-Blue, pondering your purpose; seeking the answers and believing things will all work out in time, before the end. (This is the default option practiced and trusted by most people)
Your Second Option: Access The U-Print.
The Committee Met And…
Just before the start of everything the committee met and one of the members tossed a folder on the table that had your name and picture on it.
Would you like to what’s in your folder? INDIVIDULARITY is the contents of your folder.
Within God’s Big-Blue print for everything there is something only you can find and access, the U-Print for your life. This U-Print/folder contains:
This U-Print contains the particulars of the part you were created to play in God’s plan to accomplish his Blue Print of purpose.
The Question Is: How do I access this folder?
Summary Of The 2nd “Cave Conflab…” on 5-17-23
–Curiosity is a better discovery method that crisis mitigation. Faith in what’s possible is better that the fear of what’s inevitable.
-Your folder is “up-to-this-moment” current.
-Your folder was signed of by all members of the committee. They accepted all the risk so you can access all the rewards.
–AI-IA: Always Is, Isn’t All. ID one piece of your part and the rest will either connect & bond, or crack and break away.
-You can spend the rest of this life and the duration of eternity, browsing Big Blue or; you can open and operate out of your folder (You-Print) from this point forward into forever.
INDIVIDULARITY IS: Your Individuality Engaging God's Sovereignty. Using what doesn't change to define what must change.
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. (KJV) For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn. (NLT) For God does not change his mind about whom he chooses and blesses. (Good News Translation)
“It’s why he called and gifted you.”
If the outcome of your life was determined by a card game, the most important consideration wouldn’t be the casino, the table, the drinks or even the other sharks surrounding you; it would be how you play the cards you’re dealt.
Do you believe you’ve been dealt the cards you need to succeed in this life and throughout eternity?
A Specialty Workshop Needs Cool Custom Tools: Welcome to the workshop
Within IDY we have an assortment of custom and adaptive tools. Adaptive because they only work with your story and life. Customizable because they are calibrated to your situation and search. For this first visit to the workshop we’ll break out the IDY Margin tool.
The IDY Margin Tool.
The 3 Marginal Measurements
When you burn the candle at both ends, all you get is dripping wax and scorched fingers.
Respect your margins and you will be limitless within your limits
Perhaps the reason you feel "marginalized" is because someone else is defining your value and setting your limits.
Margin Module Review: Didn’t resonate or communicate the concept very well. It was valuable to present what is possible in an unacceptable way.
There were a few things I tried to say that did not connect.
Margin Module Review: Continued.
After some reflection on what the guys said in regards to the IDY Margin tool; I think the issue of balance and of priorities and even goal-setting are important useful. But, they must come after the non-negotiable nature of one’s Marginal-elements have been reviewed and respected.
I’ve had a personal encounter with the effects of Marginal-drift and the drag on and draw-down of my Inspiration, energy and resources. My IDY is to Present what’s possible, not to pursue the current possibilities.
I’ve been doing that for a good part of this year. I haven’t succeeded and my Margin has been drained as a result. I haven’t fulfilled the possibilities “work-wise” that I’ve pursued.
There is a place of glorious tension and divine inspiration between the pursuit of what possible and the realities of productivity that are required by our jobs, our relationships and our selfness. The great constant that must be maintained is not the struggle for food, shelter or health; it is the pursuit of the Kingdom and God’s righteous-justice that will free both the provision of heaven and the fulfilment of our earth-bound engagements.
IOW: “All these things shall be added…”
It’s Hidden In His Kingdom For You
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
What Is The Kingdom?
The Story That Started It All For Me: MT 13:44
A guy discovers treasure in a field: Treasure = IDY (what/it) Where.
The Place.
He was so excited he buried it where he found it. (Where you can do what/It)
The Part.
He went and sold everything he had to raise enough money to buy the field. (How you engage and pursue what/it)
The Path.
Wait There’s More: MT 13:45-46
The next move for the guy who bought the treasure in the field.
A Jeweler searching for fine pearls discovered the finest of all pearls. Went and sold everything; (again) and bought the finest of all pearls.
Summary of week 4
The Kingdom is: Where God gets what he wants from us (his will) and we know and do what he wants. Resonated and informed our conversation.
The search for the field that holds the treasure also worked to help us see where we can find what.
Every treasure is unique, we need to define our treasure in order to find our treasure. That point was agreed on.
The sell of our current assets was the big challenge in this part of the IDY process. “selling out without selling out” is on of my statements. I also floated the concept that we currently have the purchase price of the field in our possession. Proverbs 17:16
The field, the treasure and the sell/buy are not analogies or a metaphor.
We have this treasure in Jars Of Clay. 2 Cor 4:7
“The Kingdom of heaven is within you but it's not without you.
Rick Howard, my college professor told this story.
Rick was in his office one afternoon when the wall in front of him opened up into a vast field. The field held row after row of people standing with their backs toward him.
At the feet of each person were different size piles of sticks, twigs and gems. Some people had piles of a few sticks and twigs with a visible jewel or two, others had bigger mounds of gems and sticks. Some were dwarfed by their stacks of gems and jewels.
He looked down the row to his right and saw Christ walking with a torch in his hand. The Lord stopped a few people down from Rick and lowered the flame onto that persons pile. After the flash, only charcoal and ash remained. That person looked away from the gaze of Christ.
The Lord stepped to the guy next to Rick and torched his stack. There were a few sparks and some smoke, and when the torch was raised the jewels and gems began to glisten and glow from the touch of the torch. That guy wept with joy!
Then Christ stepped in front of Rick and with the torch between them said,
“Tell my people about the judgement.” Then it was over.
I'm not living to "get to heaven," my dream is to "get heaven."
#4: It’s worth Your Life To See It Through
The Endgame: To Know And Enjoy Him Forever
(To Know Him As We Are Known) 1 Cor 13:12
First, a few “Settled” things so we can get to the “Unsettling things.”
First, the settled things:
How Will You Be Rewarded? You Will Enjoy God Forever. (You’ll Get to Heaven about the time that you Get Heaven)
I believe what you enjoy about life, about other people, and about God here and now, will continue into eternity then and forever.
Your IDY is what you were created to enjoy doing here and there, forever.
The Endgame Of INDIVIDULARITY: Doing what you believe and love. (DO – BE – LO)
Summary of Week 4:
The Settled/Un-settled presentation played well. I set the stage for the endgame and it was not something to fear but something to pursue.
I’m not sure were the tap their “curiosity-with-eternity.” I appears that the thought of forever is a bit more than most people, especially believers, have even considered.
The story of the torch and Christ was vivid and sobering. Defining what will burn and what won’t will need to be added to the mix.
Kind of like retirement; cross that bridge when we get there.
My bottom line contention was and is: How we enjoy God in the here-after is directly correlated to how you know him in the here-and-now.”
Does It Matter To Even Think About Eternity?
In my lifetime I’ve asked many people, (believers and non-believers) if they’ve thought much about eternity. Surprise, not many had thought much about forever. A few didn’t believe in eternity, the rest did believe but hadn’t though much about it.
I’m not suggesting it’s all that important to think “about” eternity, but I do believe it’s crucial to think about the implications of eternal life.
That is an IDY-distinction; the difference your life can make here and forever, there.
When you look back from eternity, after this life is over; what will continue on with you?
The first 5 apply to every redeemed Christ follower: Heaven, your place in the worshipping throng and the continued comfort and loving presence of God, are all guaranteed. That is your continuing and eternal reward. No frills, no fanfare, no fear.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As In Heaven… Matt 6:10
The 6th point applies to all Kingdom collaborators. Your Rewardability and continued eternal engagement will be based on your current collaboration with Christ. If you are doing the will of the Father here, you will have the glorious privilege of doing the Father’s will there, forever.
So What Is God’s Will? More to come on that.
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
The IDY Proposition:
How To Engage Your Destiny @ The God-Level?
There is a subtle but significant distinction between believing you “Have a destiny” and believing “In destiny.”
Believing “In destiny” simply requires you to be alive and to exercise the ability to look back at events and say, “things happen for a reason.” That is a static and mostly fatalistic way to engage your destiny. Things happen; there is a reason; Yours is not to reason why.
That is how to embrace destiny on fixed-level. Stuff happens, you do you best to fix them.
Believing you “Have a destiny” will require some serious value-add from you. One element of this value-add proposition is to believe that you have a particular part to play in life. A part you were made to play and a part only you can play.
Pursuing your part requires engagement @ the God-Level. You, God and a few people.
INDIVIDULARITY is the interaction between God’s Sovereignty and your Individuality.
What I mean by “interaction.” Back to the opening statement:
“You’re here, you care and you want to make a difference.”
This “difference has 3 pieces. The Sovereign piece, (God’s) The Individual piece, (Yours) And the difference you are here to make. The INDIVIDULARITY piece.
First, you’re here. You didn’t have anything to do with the timing, the location or the family you were born into. That is an act of God’s sovereignty. (SOV)
Second, you care. Have you ever wondered why you care so much about a few things, and so little about most things? What you care about is an expression of your Individuality. (IND)
Third, the difference only you can make. This “difference” is something only you can do, and it’s something God prepared for you, and it’s what the people in your world need from you. (IDY)
A Few Possible Combinations:
You Need To Pic Your Path Or, A Path Will Pic You.
Where you start determines how you’ll finish.
Q: What Difference Would You Like To Make?______________
A: (Mark) I want to help people define and do exactly what they were made to do. (aka: the difference only they can make)
My “How & Where To Start” Score:
"Tell me where you sit before you tell me where you stand."
Mike Rosen; Denver talk show legend.